Part 9: 20:36-21:45: Crane Games
Chapter 9: 20:36-21:45: Crane Games
First thing we do is put our goddamn pants and shoes back on.

Then, we pick up our cloak.

Its straight-up better than what we were wearing before, so we put it on.

KIM KITSURAGI: Yes, the lieutenant agrees. This scene isnt exactly ripping with joy. Lets just move on.

Before we move on, we pick up all these damn bottles. Past me was a litterbug, but hey, more tare for now me!

KIM KITSURAGI: If you must. The lieutenant looks around. But please hurrywere pretty easy to spot up here.

KIM KITSURAGI: Its *unfortunate* for the Union to just leave their paperwork lying around like this

FILE CABINET: Hundreds of documents containing logistical data. Two kinds of transactions stand out: materials coming into Revachol from the outside worldfrom Mundi, Graad, and even Iilmaraa


KIM KITSURAGI: Evrart Claire, probablythe head of the Débardeurs Union. He inspects the note. One of his aides must have left it. Nothing incriminating here.

Ooh, nice shades.

You cannot return to the streets without a passcard. Your only option, it seems, is to forge further ahead into the harbour.

Its so fucking LOUD why did you DO this everyone knows youre here now IDIOT

INLAND EMPIRE: Who can say? All you know isits special.

KIM KITSURAGI: You just picked one out, because you wanted to interact with a cargo container.

CARGO CONTAINER DOOR: You attempt to turn the handle, to no avail. The doors seem to be mechanically locked.

Well, we already alerted the entire damn Union, whats the harm in talking to this gentleman?

CONCEPTUALIZATION: [Medium: Success] The lyrics to this container-song are being made up as he goes along.
ENCYCLOPEDIA: [Easy: Success] The accent is so thick its impossible not to notice hes Ubi. From the vanishing peninsula of Ubi Sunt? (sic) on Mundi.

EASY LEO: Evrart, Evrart, Evrart, he looks after everyone. Huh well, hey there! He smiles. How can I help you, mister?
EMPATHY: [Medium: Success] The look in his deep blue eyes is as sincere as youve ever seen. Kind of makes you feel like an asshole for no apparent reason.
Eh, thats pretty normal.

EASY LEO: I mean, I dont personally mind, folks is just folks, you knowand folks gotta eat He doesnt seem to be waiting for you to answer.

EASY LEO: Oh yes, born and raised in Iraesh, mister. Mum had to leave my dad after he got a bitviolent, took us here to the New New World. I was about ten then, too old to lose my accent then People say us Ubis are up to all sorts of trouble with sheep and other animals and what notI just want you to know there was *never* any of that where I come from. No sir. Those are just nasty rumours.

EASY LEO: Oh, most of the guys are down at the gates, keeping the scabs from coming in... He leans in with a confidential look Were on a *strike*--the whole union is! You dont have to work when youre on strike. Hawe havent worked for two months now.
KIM KITSURAGI: So *no one* is working?
EASY LEO: Not everyone is down there of course, he chuckles, Mr. Evrart is in his office, where he always is, and Jean-Luc is guarding the gate He pauses to think.

EASY LEO: Oh Im not really supposed to talk about that. Thats Union business. He smiles and leans closer.

EASY LEO: I guess the boys got a bit too rowdy and had to let out some steam. I dont really know the details. Thats just how boys are you know Another chuckle. I havent been in a fight since I was in middle-school

Sorry, Kim. Gotta know about this sweet middle school fight.
EASY LEO: I remember I was the runt of the class. He laughs merrily. The bigger boys always used to pick on me. You see, I had a bit of a temper back in the day, flew off the handle like nobodys business But Mr. Evrart and his brother always came to help. Once they beat old Noel Becker so bad he needed stitches on his head He chuckles again. Noel never started another fight with anyone after this. Mr. Evrart and Mr. Edgar are real nice guys, mister. You should go talk to Mr. EvrartIm sure youll be good friends. Hes friends with everyone around here. The little guy starts coughing.

EASY LEO: Yes-yes, everybody needs a job and this is mine. Im Leonard, by the way, Leonard Bellec, but everyone calls me Leo. The little man raises his hand in a welcoming gesture. Im like Mr. Evrarts right-hand man, when Mr. Edgar is out of townand Mr. *Edgars* right hand man when Mr. Evrart is away! He chuckles. Actually, Miss Beaufort is the right-hand man, but shes a lay-dee, a goodhearted chuckle again.
KIM KITSURAGI: Who is this Miss Beaufort? The lieutenant looks up at Leo.
EASY LEO: A real pretty lady with a skin like those Doux & Sucre candy bars my missus likes so much. Them are real nice to suckle on once the dinner is done and me and the missus sit down besides the radio. But I cant listen to the radio all the time Theres so much to do around here and Im always busy keeping things running here. Yes I am, yes I am.

EASY LEO: Oh, Lizzy? She is a real sharp tool. Mr. Evrart put her through some fancy school and everything, east of the river. Four years she was gone and when she came back she was all fancy and *law-yerly*. But shes a real nice girl, grew up in this here neighbourhood, knows everybody and gets along with everyone, real pillar of the community one day, Im sure.
EMPATHY: [Medium: Success] For a fraction of a second theres sadness in his eyes.
EASY LEO: He goes on: If me missus and me was to have a child Id be real happy if she turned out like her But she cant have kids. Doctor Lemaitre said so, and she knows about such things. Been a doctor for almost fifty years, she has He sighs and falls silent, watching you meekly with his blue blue eyes.

KIM KITSURAGI: Yes, this place really seems to run like clockwork. Keep it up, Leo. The lieutenant smiles at the little man.
EASY LEO: Well thanks a lot, coming from you it means a lot, really. You didnt think it was possible, but the smile becomes even wider. Sometimes I feel some of the guys dont really get how much I bust my ass for them here, but you guys are all right.

EASY LEO: Oh yes, Ive been taking special Whirling borscht to the men every day since the strike started. The little guy chuckles merrily.

EASY LEO: Oh sure, mister sure. The little guy nods. You do that, yes sir.

EASY LEO: Oh that one He looks at the container. That should be empty as far as I know. Lots of containers her have nothing in them. Theyre just waiting to be loaded up.

EASY LEO: Oh, you want Mr. Evrart, then. Hes an awfully nice fellow, he is. Him and his brother are both nice fellowstheyve lived their entire lives in this here neighbourhood. He coughs, then continues immediately

Well, that guy could certainly talk.

Evrart leaves at 22? Its 21:45 right now, so we better hustle. Next time, were finally, finally seeing Evrart Claire.